Though a charity in our own right, we’re closely linked to the CSIS, which is a not-for-profit personal insurance provider that is bound by deed to donate its operating surpluses to the CSIS Charity Fund. This has enabled us to make donations of nearly £12.5 million in the past 17 years - completing a 'virtuous circle' by putting the money back into communities that created the profits in the first place.
We may be able to help you if:
You represent a charity which helps civil and public servants, and you’re looking for a donation
You need information about support from the CSIS Charity Fund for the spouse of a deceased CSIS insurance policyholder
Find out if you, or your charity or organisation, could apply for help from the CSIS Charity Fund
Not eligible? Find out about our partners and other charitable organisations who may be able to help on our Useful Links page.
Civil Service Insurance Society
CSIS is an award-winning insurance intermediary, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It markets good quality, competitively priced insurance products exclusively to serving and former civil and public servants, which it has done for more than 100 years. Find out more about the CSIS here.