Useful Links
If you're in need it can be difficult to know where to turn for help, but there are many organisations, charities and societies which assist people in all sorts of situations.
National charities giving general advice and debt-management assistance:
Listed below are some of the many charities and other organisations we've supported in recent years. Please contact them for further information if you think they might be able to help you.
The Charity for Civil Servants
The Charity for Civil Servants supports all civil servants, past and present, and their dependents, throughout their lives when times are tough, listening without judgement and offering practical, financial and emotional support.
BT Benevolent Fund
The BT Benevolent Fund serves current and former BT employees, pensioners and their dependents, the emphasis of its work being on the relief of financial hardship through one-off or weekly grants.
Rowland Hill Fund
The Rowland Hill Fund supports postal people in financial need. Grants can be made to those facing homelessness, life-changing health challenges or unexpected financial difficulties.
The Postal Family Fund
Formerly The Post Office Orphans Benevolent Institution (POOBI), the Postal Family Fund helps the families of Post Office and Royal Mail staff, with an emphasis on helping children in hard-pressed families, and through university bursaries and a Rising Stars scheme.
The Care Workers Charity
The Care Workers Charity supports current and former care workers with one-off crisis grants.
Cavell Nurses' Trust
Cavell Nurses' Trust supports UK nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants, both working and retired, when they're suffering personal or financial hardship, often due to illness, disability, older age and domestic abuse.
Education Support
Education Support Partnership (Ed Support) is the UK's only charity providing mental health and wellbeing support services to everyone working in education, at any stage in their career, whether training, serving or retired.
PCS Welfare Fund
The Public and Commercial Services Union Welfare Fund can assist members facing severe financial hardship.
Railway Benefit Fund
The RBF is the only charity working exclusively for people associated with the rail industry who find themselves in need. They assist current and former railway workers and their families who face financial difficulties through illness, injury, bereavement and adversity.
Social Workers' Benevolent Trust
SWBT is the UK's only charity dedicated to helping serving and retired social workers and their dependents. It offers financial help in times of hardship through one-off grants aimed at making a tangible difference to recipients.
Teaching Staff Trust
The TST provides financial support to people working (or who have retired from working) in education of under-19s for five years or more.
Unison Welfare Fund
Unison members experiencing financial and emotional difficulties can contact their welfare charity, There for You, which provides confidential advice and support for members and their dependents.
The Charity Commision
To find more charities which help in different situations, go to the Charity Commission website